Monday, January 3, 2011

Movie Review: The Social Network

This movie is about the beginning of how Mark Zuckerberg started the site Facebook.  Maybe some of you have heard of that site before and if you haven’t you should check it out. 
The movie shows about all the lawsuits he got himself into and all the enemies he made on his way to making the site a billion dollar website.  Of course I am partial to this movie because it is about computer nerds.  The movie was a brilliant story and which made the movie even better is that it is a true story.  I think the movie was based mostly on facts and if not it still was very entertaining.  As you get a popular website people will always claim that you stole their idea.  This was also the case when Bill Gates first invented Microsoft Windows. 
I give this movie 4 stars out of 5.  Great acting. Great story.  Tell me what you think!!


  1. I just downloaded this the other night and I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. You should check out Exit Through the Gift Shop.

  2. This was good. It is interesting to see how Facebook came to be.

  3. Yeah I wonder how much of it was true in the story.


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