Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette 101

 This rant is going to be about cell phones, obviously by the title. I am a cell phone lover, an addict if you will but sometimes there has to be rules or etiquette involved.  Hidden rules if you will.  Rules we all should already know.  Common Sense too.  As of right now in Massachusetts it is still legal to drive while talking on a cell phone.  I am fine with this.  I am all for talking on the phone at night when there are less people on the road or on the highway as long as you are just moving along straight and not in different lanes.  You want to talk on the phone, then stay in one lane.  The part that p*sses me off is people who drive while talking on their phone through intersections and because they are on their phone they don't use their blinker.  Even better the stupid people who are talking on their phone and going super slow because they can't multi-task.  News Flash, stop talking on the phone while you are driving.  This part does not upset me as much as my next topic of discussion.

Yes I am aware that is Marlon Wayans.  Celebrities do this next thing too.  They are no exception to my Cell Phone Etiquette rules!!  It p*sses me off to see people walking around the grocery store while talking on their phone the whole time.  Who are you talking to that is so f***ing important??  You go to the store to get some alone time away from the old lady or cranky spouse!!  Why are you calling them?? Afraid you are going to forget the milk or buy the wrong item??  You make a list or put the iems you want into your phone!!

Now I am not upset with people who need to ask someone a question and quickly call the person they need then hang up.  It is the people who walk around the whole time talking on their phone or have the stupid bluetooth thing in their ear.  Stopping to text is ok.  It is the talking on the phone and walking around the whole time that bothers me. I should just slam my cart into them by mistake and blame them for not paying attention.  They won't ever know will they??  Just today I was at BJ's and I am walking down the freezer aisle and sure enough there is a guy talking on his phone.  I go over to the fruit aisle and he turns the corner and low and behold, he is still on the phone!!  This rant is for you buddy!!

Finally the last rant which is basically a continuation of the last few paragraphs.  When you are going through a drive through or walking into pay the gas attendant, don't be a rude a**hole and talk on the phone the whole time. First off we don't give a rat's a** about your conversation nor do we want to hear it and second off you are being rude as hell.  This rule goes for all places.  You are ordering your food to a waitress at Friendly's, stay off the phone while you are ordering.  I understand that someone calls you but you are eating, finish your food.  This poor waitor/waitress is waiting on you and you won't even give her the attention.  No one is that important you are talking to that they can't wait a measly half an hour while you eat.  Plus you are being rude tot he person you are with at dinner!  Now I am all for playing cell phone games like Angry Birds while you are waiting for your food to come out.  Angry Birds is always an exception to the rule haha.

This is a serious issue that we all need to be aware of.  So next time someone is being rude and not applying by the simple etiquette rules...I give you permission to yell at them or flip them off!!  If you get in trouble with the law just don't say it was me LOL!

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  1. Totally agree. Nevermind that I don't even own a cell phone.

  2. Travis "CityBoy" SinclairAugust 1, 2011 at 8:47 PM

    Thanks for reading Denny!!

  3. Awesome information you have shared and these tips are really useful for use in our daily life.


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